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Perilla Red - Oriental , Shiso - Red Crinkled Leaf (Ohba)

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Product ID Seed1054
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Perilla frutescens var. crispa,  Red Aka - shiso - Kyoto Spice, (Circa 17th century) Japanese purple Leaf, used extensively for pickling - slightly sweet anise flavour with a hint of mint taste & smell. Can sprinkle flower buds & young leaves onto a salad or rice dish, Also used to give scarlet colour to pickled plums & preserved ginger & other pickled dishes & garnishing. The seeds form an essential part of the famous seven spices of Japan, which originated more than 300 yrs ago in Kyoto. Rich in calcium & iron Ht: 2 ft, excellent container plant, Half Hardy Annual, Seed Count Approx - 250 avg

 SOWING - Likes full sun - Sow insitu Set it in pots or in borders from early Spring into early summer when it's warm, in full sun. Or keep it as a houseplant or in the greenhouse, keep well watered, annually, Before sowing, chill seeds for 3 days in the fridge

Price: £2.20
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