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Chives - Chinese , 'Fragrant White Flowered' (Allium ramosum)

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Product ID Seed1186
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Allium ramosum, (Also, Allium Tataricum in the USA) First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Clump Forming, Flowering from June, ample heads of delicately fragrant, pure white flowers have red veins running down the backs of the tepals, & although this is sometimes confused with Chinese Leeks (Allium tuberosum), It flowers earlier. A beautiful, early flowering, clump-forming variety, not weedy or aggressive, which is native to Siberia, China & Kazakhstan, & is very showy in beds, borders or rock gardens. Ht: to 2.5 ft (75cm) Hardy Perennial medicinal/beneficial/culinary Herb. Clumps can be divided, (Bug & Slug resistant) Keep Trimmed, Seed Count Approx - 36 to 40 avg

 SOWING - Ready 60 days from sowing, Flourishes in ordinary soil. Sow seeds in pots in early spring & transplant out when frosts are gone, spaced about 6 in apart. (Pots or open ground is fine. Full sun to afternoon shade. No need to feed. (Deadhead to limit re-seeding), Sunny spot best. Can be propagated by the division of rootstocks in spring & by putting cuttings of shoots in a light compost in a cold frame in summer or autumn

Price: £2.20
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