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Cardoon , Giant of Romagna (Victorian Perennial)

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Product ID Seed1519
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Cynara cardunculus,  pre 17th century,  Semi-self-blanching type of Cardoon, (Stems are less bitter if blanched) A great Victorian Perennial, a large attractive plant with stunning purple heads and ivory white stems in the Summer for your herbaceous border, (This is said to be the mother of the Artichoke), Hardy, plant where it will stay for many years, Ht 5 to 6 ft - Good Bee Herb, Not invasive, Lavender Blue Flowers Jun to Sep, Hardy Perennial, Seed Count Approx - 14 avg 

  SOWING - Sow in slight heat in March or outside in May, (No earlier). blanch (Soil up) stems from August onwards if used as edible. Treat in the same manner as celery or Artichoke

Price: £2.20
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