Allium nutans, Perfect Round, Blueish, Purplish Flowerheads, As the name suggests it's native to Siberia & known as 'the blue or Siberian chive' due to its perfectly round, blueish, purplish flowerheads so beloved by bees & butterflies. Its heads of star-shaped flowers open in summer over the flat, nodding green leaves which offer a mild onion/garlic flavour. Flowering in July & Aug, it can give added excitement as a garnish or to flavour salads or egg & cheese dishes. Native to Siberia, European Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia & Tibet, Ht: to 2 ft (60cm) Hardy Perennial medicinal/beneficial/culinary Herb. Clumps can be divided, (Bug & Slug resistant) Keep Trimmed, Seed Count Approx - 25 to 30 avg SOWING - Ready 60 days from sowing, Flourishes in ordinary soil. Sow seeds in pots early spring & transplant out when frosts are gone, spaced about 6 in apart. (Pots or open ground is fine. Full sun to afternoon shade. No need to feed. (Deadhead to limit re-seeding), Sunny spot best. Can be propagated by division of rootstocks in spring & by putting cuttings of shoots in a light compost in a cold frame in summer or autumn