A mix of 15 native Wildflowers, (Sowing Rate: 2 to 3 sq. mtr,) General Mix of native wildflowers which are strong growth in comparison to others & good on soils of high fertility where more established wildflowers wouldn't survive, Contains: Achillea - Yarrow, Centaurea - Knapweed, Daucus carota - Wild Carrot, Galium verum - Lady's Bedstraw, Leontodon hispidus - Hawkbit, Leucanthemum - Ox eye Daisy, Plantago lanceolata - Ribwort, Primula veris – Cowslip, Prunella vulgaris - Self Heal, Ranunculus - Meadow Buttercup, Rhinanthus - Yellow Rattle, Rumex - wild Sorrel, Sanguisorba - Salad Burnet, Silene - White Campion & Red Campion, Ragged Robin., Seed Count Approx - 1500 + avg
SOWING - These will adapt to most situations where they are designed to grow as per the name above, Broadcast freely in spring when the ground is workable, lightly raking in & water generously for the first few days, will gently self-seed