Chenopodium quinoa, Up to 2 mtrs Tall, High Protein, S. America (Peru) - Mother grain of Incas - Sacred, domesticated, very high protein grain, over 6000 yrs old, Harvest when flowers start to dry out, Collect seed by shaking into a bag. This dried Grain has a mild, slightly nutty flavour, and is a great alternative to white rice or couscous. It’s annual, so won’t spread. Botanically speaking, it’s a relative of the spinach, beet & Amaranth family, so grow a few plants just for leaves (eaten small & are a nice salad size with an almost salty spinach-like flavour), Seed Count Approx - 150 to 160 avg
SOWING - Sow seeds early spring indoors in trays1 Qtr inch deep and plant after the risk of frosts are past, 1 inch in all other directions in rows 2 ft apart. Eventually Thinning to 16 to 18 inches apart.. Keep well weeded with shallow cultivation, can be sown in early spring & late summer in milder climates, 90 days