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Tomato , Black Krim 'Heritage' Beefsteak (slightly flattened maroon)

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Product ID Seed1719
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Solanum lycopersicum, Medium Dark Red-Purple 8 oz Beefsteak (Cordon), Open-pollinated, A variety that pre-dates the Revolution of 1917, hails from the Isle of .......... , a very unique looking, med-large sized up to 8 oz slightly flattened maroon (Dark red-purple to black) beefsteak with green shoulders & an intense, very richly flavoured taste hiding just a hint of saltiness! Ideal for slicing & salads, 75-80 days to maturity, both indoor & outdoor, indeterminate, It’s very juicy! In 1990 it became the first "black" tomato to be commercially available in the United States., Seed Count Approx - 15 avg

 SOWING - Surface-sown or covered only slightly, Don't allow to dry out but don’t overwater. Keep warm until germination (10 days approx), and move to a WARM bright light area. After about the last frost, transplant out into protected growing pots. Plants need STAKING & side-shoots removed. Likes a really warm Spot. Great grown outside or in, in a large container or in the garden.

Price: £2.20
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