Nigella damascena, Love-in-a-Mist Spectacular, lacy, multi-petaled blossoms open light rose pink, deepening to an enchanting deep mulberry rose, followed by intriguing seed pods which transform into little fairy lanterns. Sow as drifts in borders, or used as a cut flower. Spring & Fall planting - Hardy, easy growing, annual, in gardens since the 1600s, Earns its common name with its tangle of ferny, fennel like foliage that forms a mist around the beautiful coloured flowers, which start off as cute puffs, then open into rich-toned, straw-flower like blossoms. Ht: 45cm, Seed Count Approx - 95 avg SOWING - Prefers full sun & average soil. Sow outdoors Mar-May for flowers July-Sept or Sept - Early Oct to bloom May-June the following year. Hardy Annual. Self-sows freely, but not aggressively. Scatter seeds on top of the soil & cover very lightly