Lathyrus odoratus, 'Heritage Late Bloomer.- (1896 - Grandiflora) - A very fragrant LATE bloomer. In areas without long, cool springs, Bright reddish-pink with white streaks, it’s an excellent choice as it continues to bloom as the temperature increases. If you're getting yours in late, this is a good variety. Ht: 5 to 6 ft, Strongly Scented. Originally a sport of Painted Lady, which was taken to America for almost 50 years and returned slightly modified in colour, Raised by Morse and introduced by Vaughan in 1896, Ht: 5 to 6 ft, Treat as an annual, Seed Count Approx - 13 avg SOWING - Plant in late autumn or early spring in pots & provide winter protection (Cold greenhouse - not heat), plant out in early spring after frosts for best blooms. Plant each seed in a starter pot, water once & only again after the shoot appears, then water & feed regularly thereafter. Use good quality compost and plant them about 1cm deep, cover them with compost, and water them well