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Catmint - Herb , Nepeta Mussinii - Perennial Mint

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Product ID Seed1826
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Nepeta mussinii, For the cat ! - (Syn: N. racemosa), This is a useful bushy, low growing little mint plant either for edging or for the rock garden, with small, silvery-grey leaves and spikes of lavender-blue flowers (loved by the bees too) during most of the summer. 12 ins. Hardy perennial, grows best in full sun in moist rich soil. Cut old flower stems to encourage a long flowering season, Good rose companion and groundcover and border plant, plus it helps to keep aphids at bay, it is a milder form than Catnip (Nepeta cataria) Also good for repelling cockroaches and mosquitoes., Seed Count Approx - 125 avg
 SOWING - Start undercover 6-8 weeks before the last frost in the spring. Press the seeds into the soil mix and cover lightly. For fuller, bushier plants, pinch back the growing tips of the seedlings when they are 2-3 in tall. Transplant outside in midspring, 12-18 in apart, or grow in a container..
Can also be propagated by root division

Price: £2.20
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