Chamaemelum anthemis, White, daisy-like blooms in summer, No plant better known to country folk of old, having been grown for centuries in English gardens as a domestic medicine & dates back as to ancient Egypt. Aromatic leaves fill the air with a crisp, appley or bubble-gum scent & white, daisy-like blooms in summer, believed to revive any wilting plant placed near. Flowers are used as a dye to lighten the hair. Gently Creeping, low growing perennial - Chamaemelum (anthemis) nobilis, Seed Count Approx - 900 avg SOWING - Best started in pots & divided to plant out late spring, but can be seed sown in situ. Thrives in moist, rich soil, full sun & grows to 12 in tall. Cut back regularly to encourage dense, compact growth.(Very fine seed - spread sparingly)