Beta Vulgaris, Orange Chard, 60 days. Wonderful, Wonderful This attractive and delicious brightly coloured Orange Chard can be used as an ornamental as well as a vegetable like spinach. The slightly rumpled Leaves are medium to dark green with bright orange midrib stems and veining, delicious picked in the baby stage for salads or steamed like spinach when mature, Slow to bolting, good winter hardiness. Has a mild, delicate flavour yet, is equally visually stunning grown amongst ornamental plants. Approximately 60 days to maturity. Plants grow six to eighteen inches tall. (This colour is seldom seen outside the mixes), Seed Count Approx - 50 avg SOWING - Swiss Chard does not transplant well & do best if the seeds are planted directly in the soil. Sow about 6 seeds per foot directly into the garden as soon as soil can be worked in early spring to summer, Cover seeds with 1/2 inch of fine soil. Use leaves from young thinned plants in salads. Start cutting outer leaves when plants are about 8 inches tall for extended harvest, new leaves will grow out from the centre.