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Cucumber , Asian Brocade 'Mogem' (Greenhouse)

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Product ID Seed1966
In Stock 9

Cucumis melo, 'Sambar Southekayi' Greenhouse Cooker - Mogem, Cucumber or Melon? A fascinating & useful sweet-tasting cucurbit shaped somewhat like a longish plump melon, originating in South East Asia. It is a versatile cooking variety known locally as Southekayi sambar or as 'Mogem' in Konkani & translated as 'Field marrow' in English. Can be used in a wide range of Indian & Southern Asian dishes where it is picked, peeled & cut up into chunks for cooking after scooping out its seed centre. Fruits can be stored in cool dry conditions for months after harvest. Plants are similar in growth to an indeterminate cucumber & bear green, ovoid fruit with yellow stripes. High level of resistance to powdery mildew. (Non-ridge), Seed Count Approx - 16 avg

 SOWING - Best sown in a propagator between Mar & Apr, or May to June if sowing seeds directly outdoors. Sow seeds on their sides at a depth of 1cm in 7.5cm pots of free-draining, seed compost. Transfer young plants into 25cm pots in late Mar (heated) or late May (unheated). Keep evenly moist – little & often is best. Train main stem up wire or cane. Pinch out side-shoots 2 leaves beyond a female flower. feed every 10-14 days

Price: £2.20
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