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Radish , Round White 'Hailstone'

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Product ID Seed1982
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Raphanus sativus, Dating back to 1908, this fast-growing brilliant white, medium sized globe radish (hence the name) is suitable for spring or early autumn growing. The globe-shaped, white-skinned roots should be harvested when they reach about 2.5cm in diameter. These produce firm, juicy especially crisp, round tender flesh, with a mildly spicy flavour that keeps well once pulled. Seed to harvest 30 to 40 days.Autumn plant in covered frames for winter use., Seed Count Approx - 200 avg 

  SOWING - Needs Sun, Sown 2 - 3 weeks before last frost. Plant half inch deep & apart in rows1 foot apart. Keep thinning until one inch apart like carrots, so radishes can expand. Keep moist but not soggy until germination, then slightly moist to prevent them going pithy. Successive sow every 2 - 3 weeks through seasonin to early summer, skip the heat or summer and sow once more in early autumn.

Price: £2.20
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