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Chilli Pepper , Little Elf (Greenhouse / Windowsill - Petite)

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Product ID Seed1992
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Capsicum Annuum, Medium Heat  - Multi-coloured Petite Bush, 75 days. A bushy, Open Pollinated, petite (12in tall) Medium Heat chilli plant ideal for growing in pots on a windowsill or Greenhouse, cultivation produces a very, very, prolific amount of small ½ inch multi-coloured peppers that turn from yellow with some purple, to orange, to red when mature, , all poking upward through the vibrant green leaves (and its white flowers).. The plant is bushy, yet stays small and very striking with all its multi-colouring. Best in a pot, Medium Heat - Scoville Rating: 18,000, Seed Count Approx - 15 avg 

  SOWING - Peppers require a long, warm growing season. Sow indoors Early Spring or approx 8 wks prior to transplanting, 1 cm deep & provide constant moisture & warm soil, germination  is sometimes slow to start, once seedlings develop 2-3 true leaves, transplant into separate permanent containers or ground with some protection, Best in a greenhouse or on a windowsill

Price: £2.20
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