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Flowers , Sunflower, 'Desire Red' Dwarf

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Product ID Seed2031
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Helianthus annuus, Deep, Rich Red Long Flowering in Patio Pots, A sensational dwarf Sunflower with unique russet Red flowers. The deep, rich red colour is just perfect for late summer displays. This high performer is an early, profusely flowering variety; new blooms form continuously on multiple branches well into the autumn & blend wonderfully with its dark green, purple-tinged foliage. Plus, pollinators will adore the deep dark centres. Originally intended as a border or garden plant, this is the first compact red variety suitable for planting or sowing in both beds & borders as well as in larger patio containers or even Patio pots on the Balcony. Plants flower for a period of 6-8 weeks ( 2 to 2.5 Feet), Seed Count Approx - 15 avg

 SOWING - Mainly sown from mid-April to the end of May. It’s best to sow into the garden (or outdoor containers) after the danger of spring frost has passed. Sunflowers dislike having their roots disturbed, so direct-sowing instead of transplanting. Plant 1 inch deep & 6 inches apart. They're easy to grow, & you don't soak sunflower seeds before planting them. It doesn't matter which way up the seed is placed, it will right itself as soon as it starts growing.

Price: £2.10
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