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Gourds , Birdhouse Martinhouse Hanging Gourds (New To Us)

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Product ID Seed2037
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Lagenaria siceraria, Lagenaria - Latin for a bottle  (NON EDIBLE), These Purple Martin gourds, as mature fruits, have a tough outer “exocarp” that dries to a water-impermeable, wood-like consistency after harvested & make an ideal gardening project for the whole family. The hard-shelled hanging, generally bottle-shaped fruits, are not edible but are great as decorative homes for the birds.  Native Americans used to hang them to attract Purple martins to help control insects & as food containers, water jugs, floats for fishing nets & even body armour. Produces sprawling vines, large leaves, fragrant white flowers & heavy fruit. (Use over an arch or along a fence), lightly trim ends to encourage lateral branching, also handy for suspending it to dry out & where the female flowers are most likely to form & set fruit., Seed Count Approx - 10 avg

 SOWING - 110 - 120 days  Because of the long maturity period, you may want to start your seeds indoors 4 to 6 wks before the last average spring frost date, Sow 1 inch deep, 10 to 20 days for germination. Can reach  24 to 30 inches tall & can spread like a vine. As the vines wither, brown, and stiffen, snip the vine above each fruit, leaving a fair length of stem attached & hang somewhere dry & harden. (Non-Edible)

Price: £2.20
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