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Squash , Japanese Pink Kiri Kabocha

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Product ID Seed2045
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Cucurbita maxima, ' Hokkaido Pink' (Kuri means 'Chestnut'), Pink Kobacha Type, Not as well known as it relation the red Kiri, showing a lighter more pinky colour yet, the well known slightly more flat, less round shape, Its also grown & known (mostly in France ) as part of the family 'French Potimarron',  A greatly misunderstood small onion or pear drop shaped med-sized, fine grained Oriental, trailing type -squash believed to have arrived in Japan circa the 1860s-70s from South America (or possibly Cambodia). A beauty with a fabulously sweet, chestnutty taste, waxy texture & the fruit never gets too large for easy handling. It  looks wonderful in the garden, while the skin of the teardrop-shaped fruits turn from pinkish yellow to a slightly darker pinkish colour.. It's very productive & keeps well through winter, Seed Count Approx - 6 avg 

  SOWING - Squash will not germinate in cold soil & needs a warm spot, well-drained & fertile soil with plenty of composted organic matter to conserve moisture;. Planting should be delayed until soil has warmed (can be started in greenhouse mid March onward, plant out end Mayish),  Sow directly insitu after threat of frost has passed. Sow one inch deep in hills or rows spaced 24 to 36 in apart , Harvest just before frosts, when the stems dry & turn brown.

Price: £2.20
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