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Beet, SEA , Wild Sea Spinach (Perennial) Wild Ancestor to Beet

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Product ID Seed1128
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Beta vulgaris subsp. Maritima, Sea Beet - Ancient edible & medicinal herb, The wild ancestor to beetroot, leaf beet, perpetual spinach & Swiss chard & used as both food & a Medicinal Herb. Its thick, pointed leaves (& reddy stems) are glossy with wavy margins & have a pleasant texture & taste when served raw or cooked, serve in any recipe that calls for cooked spinach. Hence its common name of ‘Wild Spinach.’ Ht: to 1 mtr & thrives along shores & estuaries with same height flowers thru the summer. Will not tolerate Shade, but able to tolerate high levels of salt or just as happy in garden soils, Hardy perennial, Seed Count Approx - 40 to 50 avg 

  SOWING - When sowing outdoors, plant the seeds 2-3 cm deep into the soil from mid-April in warm spring soil in full sun (No shade). likes rich, moist well-drained spots, add organic matter to improve drainage on clay. A perennial, so sow somewhere sensible. It does not like to dry out, and will tolerate salt, just as well as normal gardens. Keep trimmed like Chard

Price: £2.40
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