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Broccoli , Cauliflower / Romanesco 'Green'

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Product ID Seed1362
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Brassica oleracea var.broccolo, Circa 16th C Italy - Also known as ‘Roman Cauliflower’- first documented in Italy in the sixteenth century, this broccoli has a smoother, milder flavour, creamier & nutty, & less bitter than conventional broccoli or cauliflower, yet resembles a cauliflower, but is of a light green colour. The shape approximates, in mother nature’s best freehand, an art deco styl or  natural fractal; each bud is composed of a series of smaller buds, all arranged in yet another logarithmic spiral. This is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, fibre, & carotenoids. 75- 100 days from transplant, Seed Count Approx - 200 avg 

  SOWING - Historically a cool weather crop, Seeds are generally sown between February and June. Sow two seeds per cell of cell trays in a greenhouse or similar environment until April and outdoors from April. Thin to one plant as soon as the seedlings can be handled. Transplant outdoors when the plants have developed four or five leaves or sow seeds directly in warm, moist soil. (Clay is fine)

Price: £2.20
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