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Wild Seed Mix - Beneficial Insects Flower Blend

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Product ID Seed2043
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100 % Native Wildflower Seed, Natural Pest Control Annual Flowers, 2 to 3 sq. mtr Coverage (Contains Untreated Seed only) Sow in strips Early Spring into early summer alongside vegetable crops or other vulnerable plants. This is a Throw & Grow seed mix of plants, (aiming to be as sustainable as possible), grown as a Natural Pest Control in a way to draw & support key beneficial insect species such a hover flies, ladybirds, lacewings, solitary bees & spiders (beneficial insects) find food & shelter near plants that need to be protected from harmful insects. Contains among others: wild carrot, sheep’s burnet, black knapweed, ox-eye daisy, corn chamomile, cornflower, common agrimony, sheep’s parsley, white clover, red clover, yarrow, wild marjoram & Birdsfoot trefoil., Seed Count Approx - 1000 + avg 

 SOWING - Sown insitu from the early Spring to Early summer, when the soil is sufficiently warm & moist for the seeds to germinate. Broadcast freely when ground is workable, lightly raking in & water generously for the first few days, Requires significantly less management than bedding plants. Demand is low for water, Treat as annuals

Price: £2.20
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