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Tomato , Heinz 1350 (Medium) Heirloom (Back with Us)

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Product ID Seed2072
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Solanum lycopersicum, (Yes that Heinz)  Semi - determinate Heirloom, (Open Pollinated) A uniform-ripening, Semi - determinate (3 to 4 ft) ‘Taste-good’ Type Introduced in 1963 by H J Heinz Co, (as a follow-on from its Heinz 1349 variety), This delivers very high yields of uniform bright ‘good ole - Plain Jane’ Red’, 3 inch Slightly Oval Shaped, it’s a widely adapted, multi-purpose, productive garden variety Tom with a concentrated fruit set & excellent qualities as a processing tomato for canning or cooking, perfect to make soups & sauces & giving the deep, rich flavour (as expected from Heinz) with an old fashioned acidity that a tomato should have & you’d expect, Robust variety offering heavy leafed plants with good disease, crack resistance & is Curly top virus resistant., Seed Count Approx - 15 avg 

  SOWING -  Surface-sown or covered only slightly, Don't allow to dry out but don’t overwater. Keep warm until germination (10 days approx), move to WARM bright light area. After about last frost, transplant out into protected growing pots. Plants need staking & side-shoots removing. Will grow as well inside or out & not fussy about Pots or open ground, Just depends on your needs & space.

Price: £2.30
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