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Catnip - Herb , Catswort - Herbaceous perennial

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Product ID Seed1209
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Nepeta cataria, White Flower with Pale Purple & Pink Spotting, The small flowers can be white & finely spotted with pale purple or pink. They are showy & fragrant. The plant blooms from late spring through autumn, drought tolerant and deer resistant. It can be a repellent for certain insects, including aphids & squash bugs. The behaviours cats display when they sense the bruised leaves or stems: rubbing on the plant, rolling on the ground, pawing at it, licking & chewing it. Its medicinal use is for a variety of ailments & has been consumed as a tea, juice, tincture, Herbal infusion or poultice & has also been smoked. Ht: 2 ft, Seed Count Approx - 175 avg
 SOWING - Use as a recreational substance for pet cats' enjoyment. (Slow germination rate), Hardy Evergreen perennial, Likes light sandy soil, full sun & regular watering, pinch tops to encourage growth.

Price: £2.20
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