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Wild Seed Mix - Birds 'WINTER FOOD' Wildflower Blend

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Product ID Seed1588
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Winter Bird Seeds / Grains, Annual / Perennial - 'Wild Bird Winter Food Blend', (Sow: 2 sq mtr) A Flowering from May to Oct mixture with species to attract butterflies, bees & other insects during the summer & producing seeds/grains for wild birds to feed on during the winter months, includes 15 British native & 5 non-native species of Sanguisorba minor (P), Daucus carota (P), Dwarf Sunflower, (A), Goat's-beard (B), Hawkbit (P), Centaurea nigra (P), Centaurea scabiosa (P), Linseed, Linum (A), Marigold (A), Marjoram (P), Millet, White Panicum (A), Phacelia tanacetifolia (A), Quinoa (A), Field Scabious (P), Self-heal Prunella (P), Sorrel (P), Teasel (B), Trefoil, Bird's-foot (P), Vetch, Tufted (P), Yarrow (A), Seed Count Approx - 1500 + avg

 SOWING - Will adapt to most situations & suitable for creating habitats across a diverse range of soil types Broadcast freely in early spring when the ground is workable, lightly raking in if possible & water generously for the first few days, Leave through winter to help feed the birds

Price: £2.10
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