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Flowers , Forget - Me - Not Blue (Circa 1300s) For the Butterfiles

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Product ID Seed1755
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Myosotis arvensis, (Circa 1300's) - Blue Mouse Ear, Butterflies love these, loose clusters of yellow-eyed, azure-blue flowers that appear from early spring above the lance-shaped, grey-green leaves. This beautiful biennial forget-me-not is excellent for edging pathways or for under-planting spring flowering bulbs such as tulips or daffodils. Thriving in the sun or partial shade, it looks lovely at the front of a mixed, herbaceous or wildflower border, and lightly self-seed., Ht: 12 to 14 in, Biennial, Traditionally, Forget Me Not Flowers have carried a symbolic meaning of remembrance, true & eternal love & devotion. To King Henry IV, the flower was a symbol of royalty & endurance because of its delicate blue colour. He adopted it as his formal emblem in 1398., Seed Count Approx - 500 avg

 SOWING - Sow the seed directly into the border where they are to grow in late spring or early summer. The bed should be well prepared and the seed sown thinly into shallow drills set 25cm apart. When large enough to handle, thin the seedlings to 15cm. Maintain the soil moisture until the seeds have germinated, but avoid excessive waterlogging.

Price: £2.10
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