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Wild Seed Mix - Bees & Butterflies Flowers Blend

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Product ID Seed1804
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100 % Native Wildflower Seed, Summer Flowers Annual Mix, (2 to 3 sq. mtr Coverage) Mix of 26 (100%) native wildflower seed, growing on a wide range of soils & flowers from mid-June to end-Sept, when bees & butterflies are most active. Includes Achillea, Vetch, 2 types Campanula Bellflower, Centaurea nigra, Centaurea scabiosa, Queen Annes Lace, Echium vulgare, Lady's Bedstraw, Geranium pratense, St. John's Wort, Field Scabious, Meadow Vetchling, Linaria vulgaris (Toadflax), Birdsfoot Trefoil, Purple Loosestrife, Wild Marjoram, Self Heal, Yellow Rattle, Small Scabious, Betony, Hedge Woundwort, Devilsbit Scabious, Trifolium pratense, Verbascum nigrum - Dark Mullein, &Tufted Vetch, Seed Count Approx - 1000 + avg
 SOWING - Sown insitu from the early to mid-spring (April to May), when the soil is sufficiently warm & moist for the seeds to germinate. Requires significantly less management than bedding plants. Demand is low for water, Treat as annuals

Price: £2.10
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