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Wild Seed Mix - Restore and Enrich Native Flowers Blend

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Product ID Seed1866
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Various WILDFLOWER Species, Sow into Existing Grass - 2 sq mtr (approx), 23 Native British wildflower species, some perennial species & a handful of annual & biennials formulated for over-seeding into existing grassland. These are quicker to establish allowing them to complete better with existing grasses on a wide range of soils with flowers from mid-May to Oct: Ladies Bedstraw,(P), Black Medick, (A), Salad Burnet, (P), Buttercup, (P), Red & White Campion, (P), Wild Carrot, (P), Chamomile, (A), Corn Cockle, (A), Blue Cornflower, (A), Daisy, Ox-eye, (P), Goatsbeard, (P), Knapweed, (P), Marigold, Corn, (A), Meadowsweet, ( P), Poppy, rhoeas (A), Field Scabious, (P), Self-heal, (P), Sorrel, (P), Bird-foot Trefoil, (P), Tufted Vetch, (P), Yarrow (P), Yellow Rattle, (A), Seed Count Approx - 1000+ avg
 SOWING - Sown insitu in mid-autumn or early spring, when the soil is sufficiently warm & moist for the seeds to germinate. Requires significantly less management than bedding plants. Demand is low for water, Strim down mid-autumn & leave lying over winter

Price: £2.10
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