Capsicum annuum, Spanish Mammoth Heirloom Pepper, 90 days. (Doux d Espagne) Open Pollinated. Introduction before 1860. It is said that in the late 1880s, this was sent to the large markets in Paris from warmer areas like Italy, Algeria & Valencia & In the 19th century, it was found that the 7 to 9 in long fruit was among the largest offered. They are huge, up to 20cm long, 3 sided, a tapered cone shape & smooth. Green, they are deliciously sweet & crisp with a hint of aniseed in the taste & once matured to red, the flesh is thick, crisp & juicy, slightly spicy & flavourful. Plants are robust, growing 2 to 3 feet depending on the season & with lots of mid to dark green foliage. Overall, a great all-purpose sweet red pepper. Scoville rating of 0., Seed Count Approx - 15 avg
SOWING - Peppers require a long, warm growing season. Sow indoors Mar or 8 wks prior to transplanting, 1/4" deep & provide constant moisture & a warm soil, germination is 1-2 weeks, once seedlings develop 2-3 true leaves, transplant into separate containers