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Flowers , Sunflower, 'Cherry Rose'

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Product ID Seed2033
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Helianthus annuus, Very Fast Branching Growth, 4 to 6 foot tall, Just when you thought you had seen them all, along strolls 'Cherry Rose', this little beauties party piece has got to be its, possibly, the fastest growing ‘Pollen Free Blooms’ around at 40 to 60 days while reaching around 4 to 6 feet with a great branching flower spread!. Presenting a reddy deep cherry to maroon colouring around the inside rim of the leaf and showing on the petals with anything from light pale pink to peachy to an almost white to black ending at the edges. Colourwise it depends on the conditions, Under low light, flowers tend to have a deeper colour,  Brighter sun favours a more light whimsical colouring, The stems may need support until maturity. Once established, they are very strong & will stand straight., Seed Count Approx - 15 avg

 SOWING - Mainly sown from mid-April to the end of May.  It’s best to sow into the garden (or outdoor containers) after the danger of spring frost has passed. Sunflowers dislike having their roots disturbed, so direct-sowing instead of transplanting. Plant 1 inch deep & 6 inches apart. They're easy to grow, & you don't soak sunflower seeds before planting them. It doesn't matter which way up the seed is placed, it will right itself as soon as it starts growing.

Price: £2.10
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