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Broccoli , Cauliflower / Romanesco 'White' (Early)

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Product ID Seed2046
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Brassica oleracea var.broccolo, Circa 16th C Italy - Also known as ‘Roman Cauliflower’- first documented in Italy in the sixteenth century - 'Di Jesi'  is an early maturing variety from near Venice with creamy cream coloured, spiraling florets, In Italy it is called “snail cauliflower” for its funny twirled patterns, similar to the Romanesco variety but slightly less pronounced.  Jesi is a fast developing Romanesco cauliflower that can be ready to pick in 140 days. Large ivory coloured, angular shaped heads which can often weigh around 1 Kg. The succulent leaves can be used in many dishes and the flowering curd is both delicious in cooked meals, eaten raw in salads etc, Seed Count Approx - 210 avg 

  SOWING - Historically a cool weather crop, Seeds are generally sown between February and June. Sow two seeds per cell of cell trays in a greenhouse or similar environment until April and outdoors from April. Thin to one plant as soon as the seedlings can be handled. Transplant outdoors when the plants have developed four or five leaves or sow seeds directly in warm, moist soil. (Clay is fine)

Price: £2.20
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