Solanum lycopersicum, Oval & Flattened with Deep Furrows, Indeterminate, open pollinated, (Disease resistant) Beefsteak originally known as the famous French Marmande it was renamed RAF in 1967 as an acronym for (Resistente A Fusarium). This salad tomato original French, now grown in the Spanish province of Almería. Its shape is loosely called flattish, oval & flattened at the ends with deep furrows that end in the centre. These grooves make it easily recognizable & assures the fruit's quality. Its colour is deep green with touches approaching the black on top & it offers an exceptional natural sweetness. Inside, the pulp is pinkish, compact, very firm, juicy, & meaty with small seeds. perfect for slicing & adding to salads or sandwiches., Seed Count Approx - 15 avg
SOWING - Surface-sown or covered only slightly, Don't allow to dry out but don’t overwater. Keep warm until germination (10 days approx), move to WARM bright light area. After about last frost, transplant out into protected growing pots. Plants need staking & side-shoots removing. Will grow as well inside or out & not fussy about Pots or open ground, Just depends on your needs & space.