Helianthus annuus, One of the Tallest Sunflowers Around (Probably), When you want it all, this is it! This is the sunflower that sunflowers look up to (hence the name) — A hybrid form of 'Russian Giant' offering improved vigour for better growing. If it's a record breaker you are after, this is the one to grow, as it grows over three metres in height - that's much taller than the average gardener, showing off its large flashy golden yellow flowers with rich chocolate centres high up at the top and a much thicker stem to help support the height (best with a bit of support in windy positions). Flowers July-September. It doesn't matter which way up the seed is placed, it will right itself as soon as it starts growing (F1), Seed Count Approx - 15 avg
SOWING - Mainly sown from mid-April to the end of May. It’s best to sow into the garden (or outdoor containers) after the danger of spring frost has passed . Sunflowers dislike having their roots disturbed, so direct-sowing instead of transplanting. Plant 1 inch deep & 6 inches apart. They're easy to grow, & you don't soak sunflower seeds before planting them . It doesn't matter which way up the seed is placed, it will right itself as soon as it starts growing.