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Asparagus , Connover's colossal (Thick Green Spears)

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Product ID Seed1327
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Asparagus officinalis, (Circa 1870 USA) Great-tasting thick green spears, a USA heirloom introduced by S.B. Connover of New York in 1870 and it deserves its name, quoted The New York Times May 9, 1887.. This has won acclaim for adaptability, reliability, yield & sublime flavour, Quick growth, early maturing & up to four times as large. In just 2-3 yrs from sowing you can begin harvesting early spears, this is truly hard to fault, Seed Count Approx - 30 to 35 avg

 SOWING - Sow seeds in Jan/Feb into modules under cover with protection after a 24-hour soak. Transplant out in its permanent position in late April or early May. Otherwise, sow seeds into seedbeds outdoors Mid Spring. ( 2/3 years to eating), Once established will last for years & years, keep weed-free.

Price: £2.20
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